Last night I attended my Quilting group meeting, the committee members were very industrious in collecting together all the exhibits for our exhibition which is being set up today , and will open tomorrow 21.04.2013.
We had a very funny talk given by Chandra Law a lovely lady who came to tell us about batik as it is made in her native Malaysia, she had us in tucks of laughter remembering her first visit to Britain as a wide eyed young bride to be, and went on to tell us of the craft of batik and how it is taught in schools in Malaysia, she showed us many beautiful pieces of work of her countrywomen, both in silk and cotton, and demonstrated how to wear and tie a sarong, and how not to!
Chandra’s husband Richard demonstrated how batik is made and brought along some of his own work to show us. I really enjoyed the evening and would recommend anyone to hear Chandra speak if you ever have the chance. Find them at
Next month is our AGM and Jacobs Join , I very much fear I may have volunteered myself back on to the committee, oh dear, really, how did that happen? Well we all should expect do our bit to help run the group, or it won’t run, after more than 25 years it would be a shame for Garstang Patchwork Quilters to fold for lack of volunteers.
See my previous post for details if you are near enough to visit our exhibition, do come if you can, we only exhibit biennially, and the money raised is going to the North West Air Ambulance this time.